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Never purchase a laptop based on color...

Don't be like me, Ms. My Real Job Is Tech Support.

I was blinded by the purple. IT WAS PURPLE!!

Not a lot of memory, meh whatever, it literally has to run 3 programs. AND IT'S PURPLE!!

First Windows security updated. Failed. Not enough memory. Fine, USB update, all better. We lived in purple majestic bliss for months.

Next scheduled Windows updated. Shockingly, failed, not enough memory. Trusty USB, here we come.

updating... updating... blink.. blink... reset

Laptop: "Please insert external media drive"

Me: Uh eh? What? It is inserted, damn it. *removes USB, reinserts, hits enter*

Laptop: "Please insert external media drive

Rinse, repeat for an entire day + with several combinations of changing USB drives, trying USB recoveries, swearing, rebooting, different ports, reverting to earlier versions, blah blah blah, swearing, praying, crying, drinking. *I still love you purple laptop*

So instead of spending my weekend updating the website with the start of Christmas and Winter soaps, I spent it completely formatting all the things on the purple laptop, reinstalled my soap program, compressed even more things to get MS Word to work for my labels, stripped it of everything absolutely non-essential and and and THE PURPLE LAPTOP LIVES! (until the next update is required)

Coming soon, all the seasonal things!

PS.. always back up everything, it's the only reason I could recover so quickly, relatively speaking :-)

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